114 Year old man Revealed His Secret:5 Foods for Long Life

Bernard La Palo is a man who has achieved something that many of us can only dream about – he lived happily, a healthy life in his second century.

LaPallo was born in 1901 in Victoria, Brazil, and migrated to the United States as a small boy. He lived a full life, and his thirst in knowledge led him to have four careers throughout his lifetime, which lasted a total of 114 years.

LaPallo began as a 5-star chef in the 1920s, successfully completed a massage 20 years after obtaining a license at the age of 71, and then became an author and lecturer in the later years of his life.

He also graduated from the New York University of Reflectology and started his studies at the age of 73 and enrolled in the study of herbology with Dr. Richard Schulze of the American Botany Pharmacy.

LaPallo became famous for having appeared on the stadium as the oldest living fan of Yankee, but his lifestyle inspired thousands and kept him in the international attention center.

How to Live Longer 

LaPallo was fully deserved to his daily health regime and was best known for his saying, “Keep the liver and colon clean.” He was very strict with his regime and eat the same thing every day. LaPollo included 5 key foods in his diet, which he attributed to his longevity.

Five food products which LaPallo deserved for his good health and long life were cinnamon, garlic, chocolate, olive oil, and honey. Cinnamon, honey, and chocolate have beneficial antioxidant properties that increase your total health.

Garlic is highly nutritious, low-calorie food that can reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Last but not least, olive oil is rich in healthy fats, which contributes to the health of the brain and heart.

There were also certain foods to avoid. Some of which included hot dogs, red meat and fries. The consumption of red and processed meat, such as hot dogs, is associated with an increased risk of cancer. French fries are extremely high in fats, calories, and salts and can cause serious health risks if they are consumed regularly.

Another choice of healthy lifestyles LaPallo is to ate organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, soups and salads to keep it at the top. He regularly exercised, reading and walking every morning, which enabled a good aging process.

LaPallo’s lifestyle, especially when it comes to food, eventually enabled him to live such a long and healthy life. He strongly believed in the word “you are what you eat” and enjoyed good eating well throughout your life.