100 Hidden GMO Ingredients

In recent years it seems that we have no idea from what the food that we consume is consisted. There are many ingredients that are concealed by the producers, or not clearly written on the labels. Many people are getting aware of the presence of MSG in the food but what they don’t know is that GMO is present even more in the food.

Do you now what GMOS are?

GMOS (Genetically modified organisms) refers to foods that have been modified in a way in which they are more persistent to pesticides, mainly glyphosate, or are engineered to contain a toxin that kills bugs when they feed on the crop. According to the latest researches, up to 93% of US corn crops were genetically modified and a staggering 96% of US soybeans grown were GMO, which unluckily are not the only food that is modified. If these foods are part of your everyday meals make sure that you pay attention to their safety.

What makes GMOS dangerous?

About 70% of the nation’s food is GMOs, but still there are no tastings done by FDA that ensures their safety.  But some testing that has been made individually shows that Glyphosate (pesticide spray) that is commonly used for about 200 crops causes fast tumor growth in lab rats.  There are also some speculations that it causes some birth defects and intestinal discomfort.  The World Health Organization (WHO) after some reviews announced that it is probably responsible for certain types of cancer.

What to look for on the label:

Well according to the researches the most common GMI crops are cotton, soy, canola, sugar beets, corn, Hawaiian papaya, alfalfa and yellow sugar and zucchini. But not only these, there are 100 more ingredients that have a hidden presence of GMOs and in the following text we will present you with the List from the Non-Gmo Shopping Guide.

  1. corn flour
  2. corn masa
  3. corn meal
  4. corn oil
  5. corn sugar
  6. corn syrup
  7. cornstarch
  8. starch
  9. food starch
  10. modified food starch
  11. modified starch
  12. hydrogenated starch
  13. milo starch
  14. high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
  15. dextrin
  16. cyclodextrin
  17. maltodextrin
  18. dextrose
  19. malt
  20. malt syrup
  21. malt extract
  22. hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  23. baking powder
  24. caramel color
  25. sugar (unless specified as cane sugar)
  26. E951
  27. Nutrasweet
  28. Aspartame
  29. minoSweet
  30. Canderel
  31. BeneVia
  32. Phenylalanine
  33. Equal
  34. confectioners sugar
  35. invert sugar
  36. inverse syrup
  37. fructose (any form)
  38. glucose
  39. condensed milk
  40. milk powder
  41. glycerides
  42. glycerin
  43. glycerol
  44. glycerol monooleate
  45. diglyceride
  46. mono and diglycerides
  47. triglyceride
  48. teriyaki marinades
  49. tofu
  50. tamari
  51. tempeh
  52. textured vegetable protein
  53. soy flour
  54. soy isolates
  55. soy milk
  56. soy oil
  57. soy sauce
  58. soy protein
  59. soy protein concentrate
  60. soy protein isolate
  61. protein isolate
  62. soy lecithin
  63. lecithin
  64. whey
  65. whey powder
  66. xanthan gum
  67. canola oil (rapeseed oil)
  68. cottonseed oil
  69. vegetable oil
  70. vegetable fat
  71. shoyu
  72. monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  73. glutamate
  74. glutamic acid
  75. citric acid
  76. lactic acid
  77. phytic acid
  78. oleic acid
  79. stearic acid
  80. erythritol
  81. inositol
  82. mannitol
  83. sorbitol
  84. cellulose
  85. hemicellulose
  86. methylcellulose
  87. trehalose
  88. colorose
  89. malitolmaltose
  90. cobalamin (Vitamin B12)
  91. vitamin B12
  92. vitamin E
  93. diacetyl
  94. isoflavones
  95. tocopherols (vitamin E)
  96. threonine
  97. glycine
  98. leucine
  99. lysine
  100. cystein
How to avoid these type of food

The simplest way to avoid the numerous GMO ingredients is to look for the Non-GMO project verified label or the USDA Organic seal. Also you should avoid synthetic pesticide that has chances to be sprayed on even non GMO crops.

100 Hidden GMO Ingredients 1

Sourced: mamavation