10 Habits That Slowly Damage Your Brain

10 Habits That Slowly Damage Your Brain 1

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released the following top 10 habits that can cause brain damage over time. If you have any of them, this might be the best time to get rid of them.

1. You don’t have stimulating thoughts. Your brain is designed to think and if you don’t use it, it will shrink. Try to explore, write, and think in order to refresh your brain.

2. You skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast causes brain degeneration. It lowers the blood sugar, which leads to insufficient nutrient supply to the brain.

3. You overeat. Usually, when people skip breakfast, they tend to overeat later in the day. Overeating means eating more than what the body needs, and it causes the arteries in the brain to harden. Eventually, this will decrease the mental power.

4. You smoke. As you already know, smoking is dangerous to your lungs, but it also causes brain cell shrinkage. Nicotine plays an enormous role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

5. You eat lots of sugars. If you consume too much sugar, it can interrupt the absorption of protein and nutrient in your body. This slows down the brain development and malnutrition occurs.

6. Not getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to an eventual death of your brain cells. When this becomes a habit, it could lead to memory loss.

7. Covering your head when you are sleeping. Many people have the habit of covering their head when they sleep. Unfortunately, this causes build-up of carbon dioxide and therefore reduces concentration of oxygen in the brain. It can lead to brain damage, including dementia, even in young people.

8. Not conversing with other people. With the increased usage of smartphones and tablets, most people spend more time texting and chatting with people online than talking to real people in front of them. Spend more time conversing with people, and remember that intellectual conversations actually aid in brain efficiency.

9. Not getting enough rest. Not resting, even when you are sick, but still working or studying hard, does not help you become smarter, but it can damage the brain.

10. Living in an environment with polluted air. The brain needs oxygen and if you are frequently exposed to harmful chemicals and carbon dioxide, your brain will eventually deteriorate. Try to go to a place that has fresh, clean air as often as you can.

If you have some of these habits, get rid of them as soon as possible in order to avoid internal destruction, especially to one of the most important parts of your body: the brain.


Sourced: stethnews.com