10 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Avoid

Some of the foods that we consume every day may potentially increase the risk of cancer. Are you familiar with those foods?10 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Avoid


Here are 10 of the most unhealthy and cancer ­causing foods that should be avoided as much as possible:

  1. Refined Flour

Refined flour is a common ingredient in processed foods. It has been linked to cancer due to its excess carbohydrate content. According to studies, regular consumption of refined carbohydrates is linked to a 220% increase in breast cancer among women. Foods with a high glycemic index have also been linked to an increase in blood sugar levels in the body, which feeds cancer cell growth.

  1. Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs)

GMOs and the chemicals used to grow them are thought to cause rapid tumor growth. GMOs are found in most food derivatives made from conventional soybeans, canola and corn.

Avoid GMOs and buy non-GMO foods and organic, locally grown foods that are produced naturally without biotechnology.

  1. Processed Meats

Processed meats include lunch meats, bacon, sausage and hot dogs that contain chemical preservatives which make them appear appetizing and fresh, but can also cause cancer. These meats are full of sodium nitrate and preservatives which have been linked to increasing the risk of colon and other forms of cancer. Only choose uncured meat products that don’t contain nitrates and are preferably from grass-fed sources.

  1. Canned Foods

Cans are lined with a chemical called bisphenol ­A (BPA). This chemical has been proven to alter the genes inside the brain. FDA has BPA on its radar because they are working to remove BPA or at least significantly reduce it in canned goods.

  1. Microwave Popcorn

A popcorn bag contains a chemical known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which has been linked to bladder, kidney, liver, pancreatic and testicular cancer. The popcorn itself uses soybean oil, which is a genetically modified ingredient. Then propyl gallate is used to preserve the popcorn. All these added ingredients can lead to stomach problems and can increase the chances of cancer.

  1. Low Fat Foods

Avoid foods that are marked “low fat” or “diet”, because these foods are filled with chemicals and can have adverse effects on your body. These diet foods are full with preservatives, artificial coloring, artificial flavors and aspartame which are all known to be cancer­ causing agents. Instead choose organic and fresh foods and avoid the low fat and diet foods.

  1. Soda

Soda contains food chemicals, sugar and colorings. It feeds cancer cells and acidifies the body. The chemicals in soda, such as its caramel color and derivative 4­-methylimidazole (4­ MI), have been specifically linked to the risk of cancer.

  1. Farmed Salmon

Farmed salmon is considered to be a food that raises the risk of cancer since it is frequently contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, carcinogenic chemicals, flame retardants and antibiotics.

  1. Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenated oils are used for preservation of processed foods and for their shelf life. But hydrogenated oils change the structure and flexibility of cell membranes throughout the body, which leads to some diseases, including cancer. Although some companies are phasing out the use of hydrogenated oils and replacing them with other safe alternatives like palm oil, trans fats are still frequently used in processed foods.

  1. Potato Chips

Potato chips are full with trans fats, preservatives and other chemicals that keep them fresh and tasty. These ingredients are known to lead to complications in the body and potato chips are also fried at extremely high temperatures which gives them their crunch. This crunch creates a chemical compound called acrylamide, a carcinogen that is also found in cigarettes. Instead of potato chips, choose tortilla chips or baked potato chips, which have fewer chemicals.

Sourced: wellnessbin