10 Brilliant Uses For Orange Peels

10 Brilliant Uses For Orange Peels

The orange peels can be used for variety of things and we offer you a list of 10 clever uses.

  1. Deodorize a garbage disposal

If you were wondering how to get rid of the funky stench coming from the garbage disposal, this article is perfect for you. Toss the peel of an orange down the drain and run the appliance for 30 seconds. The acids found in the orange will neutralize odors and the coarse rind scours away food particles. Repeat this procedure if needed.

  1. Stop brown sugar from hardening

Place a slice of orange peel in the box where you keep the brown sugar and you can be sure that it will stay soft. The rind releases oils which keep the sugar moist. Replace the orange peel once a month.

  1. Keep fluffy out of your plants

You set your new plant on a shelf but still worry your cat might jump up and try to munch on the leaves, which are mildly toxic and could give him a stomachache. In order to prevent this, dice the peels of two oranges and sprinkle them onto the dirt of the plant. You can be sure that your cat will stay away because cats don’t like the strong scent of citrus.

  1. Prevent an aphid attack in your garden

As summer approaches, aphids appear and destroy the roses, sunflowers and all the plants found in your garden. Prevent this aphid attack with the help of this trick: Steep ¼ to ½ cup of citrus peel in 3 to 4 cups of hot water for 10 minutes. When the solution cools, pour it into a spray bottle and spritz your plants once a week. The citrus scent will attract the aphids which love this scent. However, it will weaken their bodies and kill them, without harming the plants.

  1. Take salad from bland to grand

You can make your own orange-infused olive oil in order to get a delicious way to wow your taste buds. Instructions: Add one orange rind and a handful of cranberries to 2 cups of olive oil. Let simmer on low for 5 minutes. Then leave it cool off and when cooled, strain the fruit and pour the oil in a sealed container. . The fruit acids released into the oil will add tart-sweet pizzazz to your side salads.

  1. Clean your counters without chemicals

You have probably noticed that the harsh chemicals in the cleaning products can cause headaches. That is why we offer you a recipe for completely natural and very effective cleaning product. In a spray bottle, combine the peel from 1 orange and 1½ cups of white vinegar. Keep tightly closed for 2 weeks, then add 1 cup of water to the spray bottle. This combination is very effective because the vinegar disinfects and the orange peel`s citric acids break down the grease.

  1. Lift soap scum from glassware

Most of the people hate the scum from glassware which is really annoying and sometimes even hard to get rid of. Try the following trick and your dingy glasses will sparkle. Soak them in a sink filled with warm water and a handful of orange peels for 5 minutes, then wash as usual. The secret lies in the peel`s citric acids which power through the soap scum and the mineral deposits.

  1. Freshen musty closets naturally

The musty odor which usually comes from the closets is really annoying. You can freshen the linens and the closet with the help of the orange peels. Place the place the rinds from an orange inside the foot of an old pair of panty hose, then tie the end and set the sachet on a shelf. The fruit`s oils give a fresh fragrance and the pith absorbs and neutralizes the musty smell.

  1. Get a fire roaring with ease

Try this simple trick which will help you spend more time enjoying the warmth of the cozy fire instead of getting the logs to catch. Let the orange peels sit out during the night in order to dry and then throw them into the fireplace. Orange oils are flammable, so the peels will burn longer than paper kindling. Additionally, you will get a nice smell of the citrus.

  1. Remove tough microwave stains

Sometimes, it can be really difficult to clean the stains from the microwave. Put few orange peels in a heatproof bowl and cover with water. Then put the microwave on. The steam from the water will loosen buildup, while the orange peels’ citric acid works to kill bacteria. Finally, take a damp cloth and remove the most stubborn stains.

Sourced: prevention