Women Healed Thyroid Cancer by Turning to Raw Food

There is no person in the world that will not feel terrified after receiving the news that he or she has some type of cancer and that he/she has a limited time on this world.

Such was the case with the engineering professional Dr. Ruby Lathon. The mare thought that she will have to undergo surgery and take medications for long period of time terrified her. So she started thinking about every possible thing that she might do in order to avoid that.

She said: “I decided to try an alternative, holistic approach to cure it rather than go through surgery and be on medications all my life,”. She decided to change her lifestyle and see how it will work and whether it can fight the thyroid cancer. She gave herself a test period of one year before taking the traditional medicine. She changed her nutrition, started taking only raw foods especially fruits and vegetables. And avoided dairy products and processed food.

But there was no need for whole year, only few months have pest and the doctors told her that she is cancer-free. After experiencing this miracle she decided to help other people who suffer from cancer. Today she goes on many seminars for healthy food and has her own You Tube channel (TheVeggieChest ) where she provides healthy receipts and talks about the plant-based foods. Some of her receipts include a raw beet jicama salad with spicy lime dressing, an egg-free quiche and a raw sun-dried tomato hummus.

Luckily she is not the only person who beat cancer with raw food.
Janette Murray-Wakelin was diagnosed with breast cancer which was in the third stage. After receiving the news she managed to turn the 6 month period that the doctors told her she had left into a period required to get back her health.

The raw food diet besides being good for cancer, has been proven to be good for healing some other chronic diseases.

Stacy Stower has been suffering from unbearable pain for 20 years which was caused by her medical condition known as debilitating fibromyalgia. During these years she had tried everything but nothing helped her. Desperate to find her way out she decided to begun a row food diet. Surprisingly after 10 days the pain disappeared.

It is also good for treatment of systematic candidiasis. Amanda Brocket claims that only by consuming raw food for two months she boosted her energy and was no longer feeling fatigue. And the symptoms of her condition disappeared.

These are only few of the cases that sow that what people talk about raw food is not only a rumor, but the benefits are real. Changing your lifestyle can improve your health that’s a fact.

Putting raw food myths to rest

Many people consider only fruits and vegetables for raw food, thinking that raw food diet means eating only one particular food. What they often forget is that they can also eat seeds and nuts which are really tasty.

Another myth is that raw food diet is expensive. No you won`t need a whole fortune for this diet.  You will have the same cost as you have for milk, meat and the other junk food that you are consuming every day. And what is more you will improve your health and with that you`ll save money because you will no longer have to pay hospital fees.


Sourced: naturalnews