Water Detox Drink Recipies For Dieting, Digestion And Cleansing

Water makes up a large percentage of our body. Our brain and heart are 73% water,our lungs are 83% water, our muscles and kidneys are 79% water, our skin contains 64% water, and even our bones are 31% water.

Below are some recipes for a water detox which will help you with digestion, dieting and cleansing.

Water Detox Drink Recipies For Dieting, Digestion And Cleansing

Orange, Lemon, Ginger, Water
Ginger is famous for its immune boosting properties, lemon is known to aid digestion, and oranges are effective in improving blood circulation.
Preparation: Peel the ginger and slice it thinly. Also slice the lemon and the orange. Drop the ingredients in 1 litre of water and drink throughout the day. Refill as much as you like.

Mint Water
One research showed that mint has the highest anti­oxidant properties of any foods. It also contains a small amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin Bandphosphorous. It calms an upset stomach and improves the bile flow through the belly.
Preparation: Add a few fresh mint leaves in your everyday water for a refreshing drink.

Water with Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic apple cider vinegar contains “mother” – that blob composed of protein strands, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the vinegar its murky appearance. The mother is full of probiotics and other beneficial bacteria that support immune function and relieve constipation. Preparation: Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water. Drink this along with your meals once or twice a day.

Cucumber Water
Cucumber has vitamin K, which promotes blood flow and makes healing after an injury faster. Furthermore, it prevents water retention and keeps you from bloating.
Preparation: Slice an unpeeled cucumber to your desired size. Add it to your water and drink it. If you wish, you can add a few mint leaves or pineapple for an additional flavour and more health benefits.


Sourced: stethnews.com