WARNING : Melanoma Symptoms That Shouldn’t be Ignored

WARNING  Melanoma Symptoms That Shouldn’t be Ignored

Although skin cancer can be a very scary diagnosis, it is also considered to be one of the most treatable cancers if it’s caught early. Knowing the symptoms of melanoma can help you get in touch with your body and be aware of skin cancer risks. Learn more about these symptoms because they shouldn’t be ignored.

Risk Factors For Melanoma

Even though anyone can develop cancer, even without substantial exposure to the sun, there are some risk factors that everyone should know. According to a study from the European Institute of Oncology, childhood sun exposure is a major predictor of melanoma risk—even more important than adult sun exposure.

Another determining factor in melanoma risk is family history. If anyone in your family has ever been diagnosed with skin cancer, it is very important to have regular skin checks, use sunscreen, and know the melanoma symptoms. People with very fair skin may have less natural protection from the sun, which leads to an increased risk of melanoma. On the other hand, people of any skin tone can be diagnosed with melanoma, so don’t have a false sense of security.

Symotoms of Melanoma

The greatest protection against melanoma is awareness, because early diagnosis is often tied to more successful treatment protocols. Pay attention to any new or changing moles. The ABCs of mole inspection will let you know when you should go to the dermatologist and have a mole checked out:

  • A: Asymmetrical: An asymmetrical mole is often considered suspicious.
  • B: Borders are ragged: Moles that have ragged, bumpy edges, instead of smooth ones, need to be checked out.
  • C: Color: If a mole has only one color, it may not be something to worry about. If it has multiple colors, you should get it examined.
  • D: Diameter: A mole with a diameter of more than 6mm may need to be examined by a professional.
  • E: Evolving: If you notice any changes in your mole, visit a dermatologist. This includes changes in size, color, or shape.

In general, if you are aware of your skin and what’s natural for it, you will notice any unusual moles or developments. Another cause for concern is a mole or a spot that’s becoming painful or sensitive, as can an open sore that is not healing on its own.

Even if a mole isn’t painful, you should check it if it itches or becomes too tender, since this also can indicate a problem. If the color of a mole starts to seep into the skin surrounding it, this can be problematic.

Keep an Eye on Your Skin

This can be a lot to take in, so how can you best protect your skin? First, check your personal or family history of skin cancer, and check your skin once per month. You can also take photos of any moles you have in order to determine whether or not they are growing. And if you have your own dermatologist, they can keep a running record of any skin blemishes.

Melanoma can be swiftly treated when caught early. Use these tips to protect your skin.