VERY BAD NEWS: Your Favorite Drink Causes Cancer!


All of us, at least from time to time in special situations, we like to honor ourselves with a glass of our favorite alcohol. However, no matter how one drink per day is good for health, on the other side it can cause nastiest disease – cancer . We are all aware of it, especially smokers, that smoking cigarettes causes cancer, because  on each packet is clearly written. But did you know that there is a link between tumors and alcohol consumption? Neither did we, as a new study shows, not many people are. Actually, it’s no wonder, because our producers of alcohol  do not warn us on their labels about such a horrible risk to our health. Scientifically  is proven that alkochol causes cancer, but the public is not really aware of. To make things worse,  the risk  is not only for alcoholics but also for people who regularly drink a glass of that. At issue are seven different kinds of tumors, and the most common cancer of the pharynx and oral cavity – says oncologist Sarah Williams. Alcohol is currently excluded from EU regulations to which it is bound to the food products and soft drinks  and its written the ingredients and nutritional value, despite the fact that the World Health Organization classified in the highest-risk group shutter button for cancer.


It is unbelievable what is sure to set the warning labels on cereal boxes, but not on alcohol, which can seriously jeopardize our health – said Ian Gilmour, President of the AHA, which is aimed at preventing alcoholism. When there are standing inscriptions on alcoholic beverages, all we could do is to make a choice. So people would know that they should rarely consume some other healthier drinks than alcohol.