TOP 10 Reasons to Get Enough Magnesium

The magnesium is one of the most powerful minerals because it provides many health benefits. The thing is, many people are not aware of its importance and don’t consume it as recommended. Even 80% of American suffer from magnesium deficiency and most of them are not familiar with this. Deficiency of this mineral is associated with 22 health issues such as osteoporosis, anxiety, blood clots, hypertension and depression.

Many diseases and symptoms are tied to the magnesium levels and a total of 325 enzyme systems in the human body rely on magnesium to function properly. According to one study, the ones deficient in magnesium are closely related to a higher mortality rate. With so many people deficient, nearly everyone can benefit from upping their magnesium intake.

TOP 10 Reasons to Get Enough Magnesium

Where can you found magnesium?

There are many foods that can provide you with the much needed magnesium. We offer you a short list of some of the best options along with their levels of this mineral for an average serving.

  • Dark Chocolate (95mg) 1 square
  • Nuts and Seeds (150mg) 1 ounce
  • Whole Grains (86mg) 1 cup cooked
  • Bananas (32mg) 1 medium banana
  • Dark Leafy Greens ( 157mg) 1 cup cooked
  • Avocados ( 58mg) 1 avocado
  • Beans and Lentils ( 148mg) 1 cup cooked
  • Fish (82mg) 3 oz fillet

What can magnesium do for you?

Magnesium can provide numerous health benefits, but here are the top 10 reasons to ensure you’re getting enough of it:

  1. Relieves constipation

The magnesium has laxative properties which make it capable of relieving constipation. It helps the body relax in many ways, including the digestive system too. In addition, it is able to draw out water which results in softening the stool.

  1. Aids in weight loss

It is able to suppress the obesity gens and it also aids in digestion. Most importantly, it helps the body utilize the carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

  1. Reduces risk of diabetes and regulates insulin

According to many studies, the magnesium intake lowers the risk of magnesium. In addition, the magnesium deficiency can increase the risk of diabetes by creating insulin resistance. Finally, this mineral regulates the blood sugar levels.

  1. Regulates high blood pressure

The hypertension and the deficiency in magnesium are closely related. Often people who suffer from high blood pressure have low levels of magnesium. If you take magnesium as recommended you can efficiently lower your blood pressure. Even pregnant women can use it which helps in preventing preeclampsia.

  1. Stronger bones

According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND and author of The Magnesium Miracle, magnesium is essential mineral for the absorption of calcium. He says: “Magnesium stimulates a particular hormone, calcitonin, which helps to preserve bone structure and draws calcium out of the blood and soft tissues back into the bones.” She also points out that “magnesium suppresses another bone hormone called parathyroid, preventing it from breaking down bone.”

  1. Absorb vitamin D

Apart from calcium, vitamin D needs magnesium too. This mineral helps in the activation of vitamin D so that the body can properly use it. It also helps the vitamin D maintain the necessary calcium in the body.

  1. Prevent heart disease

According to many studies there is a link between heart health and magnesium. Similarly to the data collected from the diabetes study, individuals with magnesium deficiency had higher risk of getting some coronary heart disease and vice versa. The ones with higher magnesium intake had lower risk.

  1. Helps relieve migraines

The tension is one of the most common causes for migraine. The magnesium efficiently bloods vessel spasm which can be cause of the headache.

  1. Relieves stress and treats depression

Stress is associated with individuals with deficiency in magnesium and if untreated, it can eventually lead to depression. This is due to the link between the serotonin (feel-good chemical) and the magnesium. If you take sufficient amounts of magnesium you can help this good chemical function as necessary.

  1. Better sleep

Magnesium can improve sleep thanks to its ability to reduce stress. Additionally, it regulates the melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Types of magnesium supplements

There are few things to consider when looking for a magnesium supplement. The most cost effective variant is the magnesium citrate which can be taken orally. Another option is the oil of magnesium which you can apply on the skin or put in your salt baths. If you are suffering from myasthenia gravis, heart block, kidney failure or bowel obstruction, avoid magnesium supplements. In addition, consult your doctor about anything you decide in regards to your health.

Sourced: mamavation