This Is Why You’re Going To Freeze Your Lemons From Now On!

A new study showed that lemonoids, a natural compound present in lemons and other citrus fruits, prevents and stop the development of cancer cells especially breast cancer!

Science says that nothing should be left aside when eating a lemon, the inside, the juice or the seed, especially not the peel!

The peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice!

Besides having anticancer properties, lemons help in releasing the body from toxins, they have antibacterial effect on bacterial infection, work against intern parasites and worms, regulate the blood pressure, work as an antidepressant and they are great in the fight against stress and neurological disorders.

And there is an easy way to enjoy its taste as never before, especially the peel. No one likes eating lemon peel, but in this manner, it will become a part of your dish every time.

It is simple, take one pesticide free lemon (if you don’t have your own at home than you can buy organic lemon in the larger stores or healthy food stores), wash it well and put it in the freezer (you can put it whole or you can cut it).

When the lemon freezes, take it out from the freezer and grate it.

Then you can add it to salads, ice-cream, soups, cereals, noodles, your favorite drink or anything else.

You will get a complete new taste in which you will enjoy and your body will be grateful and healthy.
