Stop Buying Fabric Softener – It’s Toxic! Learn How To Make Your Own Natural Fabric Softener

Stop Buying Fabric Softener – It’s Toxic! Learn How To Make Your Own Natural Fabric Softener

There is no home without fabric softener these days, but unfortunately this is not good at all. These products contain numerous toxic chemicals that shouldn’t be in our homes especially not on our clothes. Camphor – one of these chemicals in known to be a central nervous system stimulant, chloroform and a neurotoxic carcinogen.

We suppose that after reading this you won`t like to use this products in your home especially if you have kids in your family. That is way we decided to show you how to prepare fabric softener on your own at home. The preparation is more than simple and free from any toxic chemicals.

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 4 cups of apple cider vinegar
  • 20 drops of essential oil (for scent, completely optional)
  • 3/4 cup of baking soda

Instructions how to prepare it:

Take some large container and mix in it the baking soda, vinegar and water. While you are mixing this, bubbles will appear and that is why you need a bigger container. Once the bubbles calm pour the mixture in a glass jar. In the end add your favorite essential oil.

Usage: use 2 tablespoons per load and don’t forget to shake the container before each usage. It sounds easy, right?