Quick And Powerful Diet – Lose 12 Pounds in 8 Days

Quick and Powerful Diet- Lose 12 Pounds in 8 Days

Extremely Quick and Efficient Diet

This diet is based on ingredients which promote weight loss in a short time. It is an extremely fast and efficient weight loss plan and you can lose unbelievably 12 pounds in only 8 days.

The diet plan is divided into 4 phases: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. We will elaborate on them in more details below:

  1. Breakfast

The first thing you should do in the morning immediately after waking up is to drink a glass of lukewarm water and squeezed lemon. This drink will help you activate the metabolism, purify your body and get rid of the toxins from the system.

One hour after drinking this you can have the breakfast (fruit-based). You can take 2 oranges, 2 apples or 1 grapefruit. The whole point is that you don’t mix different types of fruits (oranges and apples) but take the same fruit instead. For instance, if you choose to eat oranges, take two and that would be it. The next day you can eat apples, but ONLY apples for that day.

  1. Lunch

In order to start the process of burning body fat and building muscle mass, you need to consume food rich in proteins during this phase of the day. You can eat boiled eggs or fish, cooked chicken or 1 cup of probiotic yogurt. This diet plan is also adequate for vegans since they can still consume proteins but in the form of mushrooms, broccoli, kale, spinach, cauliflower etc.

  1. Snack

The snack is also very important. You can make a fresh salad with a bit of salt, apple cider vinegar and bit of olive oil. Another option could be a handful of nuts to your preference. They are important ingredient in every diet because the boost metabolic functions and help the body release free radicals.

  1. Dinner

The dinner shouldn’t be consumed after 7 PM. You can drink a glass of green tea and eat a fresh salad made of green vegetables such as lettuce or cucumber. After the dinner the only thing you can consume is water! You can also eat plums for dinner (2-3) in the first three days but not in the last days of the diet.

If you are still unsatisfied with your weight after the 8 days, you can repeat the diet in order to lose as much weight as you need.