Mix This Three Ingredients if You Want to Prevent Cancer

The following article is a research from the American Dr Carolyn Anderson who says that you can prevent cancer by using three ingredients.

The people from the eastern parts of India have a much smaller number of cases of cancer in relation to the other inhabitants of the planet. For example, they are five times less likely to develop breast cancer compared to North Americans, eight times less likely to get lung cancer compared with the rest of the world, nine times less likely to develop colorectal cancer compared to their peers, and fifty times less likely to have prostate cancer. In practice this means that for every five American women only one Indian gets breast cancer. Westerners claim that because of the poor planning and the poverty, the citizens of India are even more exposed to carcinogenic elements. Then, what is the factor that makes this difference?

Mix This Three Ingredients if You Want to Prevent Cancer

According to researches, the answer lies in turmeric (curcumin). Turmeric is a spice in the form of a yellow powder, which is a component of curry and gives intense color. Its anti-inflammatory abilities are incredibly powerful. There is no single natural ingredient in the world that is more effective in reducing inflammation in the body. The molecules in turmeric that are responsible for this effect are called curcumin. Recent studies have found that curcumin inhibits the growth of many types of cancer, such as cancer of the colon, prostate, brain, breast … These ingredients also inhibit the growth of new blood vessels that feed the tumor. In experiments made on mice, it has been shown that even though the mice were exposed to a variety of carcinogenic chemicals, as long as they used turmeric, the development of many types of cancer was completely prevented.

The question is how and how much to use in order to benefit from its great properties?

As with many other supplements, it has been shown that the combination of ingredients and the method of consumption are keys to have ideal effects. The problem that the practice has shown is that turmeric (curcumin) is pretty hard to be absorbed in the digestive tract. Nevertheless, practice and researches have shown that when combined with ginger or pepper, the absorption becomes great.

Pepper improves the absorption of turmeric in the body by 2000 percent. For this reason, Dr. Carolyn Anderson recommends the following unique recipe which comes from India and is combined with proven scientific studies.

The recipe:

Mix ¼ tsp turmeric (Curcumin) with ½ teaspoon of olive oil and a pinch of freshly milled pepper. Mix all three ingredients thoroughly in a cup and add it to soups, salads, vegetables, meat, or to any food you want. If you want to add these ingredients in cooked meals do it in the final stages of the preparing of the food. The ingredients can be mixed and consumed raw with water.

This combination should be used as often as possible. The data suggest that if you introduce these ingredients into food, you and your family will drastically reduce the possibility of cancer, and other diseases caused by internal inflammation in the body. The recommendation is modeled after the food and traditions of the inhabitants of Eastern India who use these ingredients regularly.