Mix These 2 Ingredients, Consume the Drink for 12 Days And Lose Weight 4 Times Faster

Did you know that by mixing these two ingredients with water you can lose weight 4 times faster than ever before? If you want to eliminate the extra pounds it is essential to consume this drink regularly. You are probably wondering which two ingredients we are talking about and the answer is the following: nettles and dandelion.

When combined together, these ingredients help you get rid of the excess pounds that you were troubling with all the time. The secret of this powerful combination is the nutritional profile of the two ingredients. When mixed together they create an effective drink that promotes completely natural and safe weight loss.

Many modern researches encourage the dandelion power to increase weight loss. An experiment conducted in a laboratory by using laboratory rats and mice indicates that when animals which were fed with dandelion extract in their food noted a fat loss of up to 30% in one month.

The nettle on the other hand, contains 29x the amount of calcium, 4x the amount of potassium, 8x the amount of magnesium and 14x the amount of iron when compared to spinach.

The dandelion-nettle drink acts as natural diuretic which increases urine production by promoting the excretion of salts and water from the kidneys. It is rich in calcium, potassium, iron and trace minerals. The two ingredients are considered to be a great blood purifier, liver tonic and one of the best natural diuretic with their own potassium source.

Additionally, they are reputed to lower serum cholesterol and blood pressure, counteract certain cancerous tumors, eliminate gas and acid indigestion and help in the process of losing weight. They are good cure for anemia and acne as well as good regulator of the gastrointestinal system.

  • 5 liter water
  • 1/3 cups dandelion leaves
  • 1/2 cups nettle leaves

If you can`t find fresh nettle leaves then use 2-3 bags of 100% organic nettle tea.


Take a pot, pour the water and bring it to a boiling point. Combine the two ingredients. When the water starts to boil, remove it aside and pour it over the mixture. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes and then strain the tea. You can add a little bit of honey to sweeten it if you wish. Drink 6 cups of the tea during the day.

How to use the tea?

Consume the tea for 4 days and then make 1 day break. Then drink it for 4 days again and make 2 days break. Another 4 days of using and 1 day break. Do the same in the last 4 of the treatment. The treatment actually lasts 12 days.