Make It In 5 Minutes, Drink It For 5 Days And Lose 6 Pounds

Obesity is defined as excessive storage of fats in the body. They endanger your health and affect seriously the function of the body organs including the function of the heart, kidneys, liver, joints etc.

Make It In 5 Minutes, Drink It For 5 Days And Lose 6 Pounds


People who are affected by obesity usually have increased risk for some diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and some heart disease.

If you want to get rid of obesity and to save your health try out the following simple ingredients:
  • 1 lemon
  • 60gr parsley
  • 300 ml. water

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, chop the parsley in small pieces, put them in a bowl and pour the water over them.


Consume this drink every morning before breakfast. Do this 5 days in a row. After that make a break of 10 days and repeat the whole procedure once again. You can apply this treatment together with the breaks as long as you think that you need to lower down the weight.

This drink burns calories fast and satisfies the needs for the daily intake of vitamins and minerals. Parsley improves the digestion of the food and releases the body of the excess fluids in that way eliminating timidity.