If You Want To Get Rid Of Excess Weight, Use This Spice: It Melts Calories At An Incredible Speed!

I am pretty sure that you use cumin when you prepare some cakes, cookies or pasta. But to you know how much benefits this spice has over your health.

Yes, cumin is one of the healthiest spices in the kitchen. Its various medical properties make it good for treatment of some diseases. This spice is full with calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and vitamins of B group. All these make it great against flatulence of the stomach, for improvement of the digestive system and reduction of spasms in the abdomen. And what is most important for us recent studies shows that it is very effective for weight reduction and people who are on diet should definitely include it.

If You Want To Get Rid Of Excess Weight, Use This Spice  It Melts Calories At An Incredible Speed!

In the study that was conducted were included 88 women that had weight problems. In the end the researchers came to conclusion that those that consumed 1 teaspoon of ground cumin every day reduced their weight 3 times faster, than the rest of the women who were also holding the same diet but did not consume cumin.

All the women consumed only 500 calories per day, but only half of them consumed 3 grams cumin powder mixed with non-fat and unsweetened yogurt.

In the end of the 3 months period that was predicted for the study the half of the group that consumed cumin had by far better results than the other half. They calculated the results and the differences in the weight and came to conclusion that in average women consuming cumin lost 1.5 kilos more than the women who did not consume. But this is not the only advantage that they got from cumin even 14% of them reduced the fat in their bodies, while only 4.9 % of the other half of the group reduced the fat.

If you thought that that is all you are wrong. Experts from the Institute of Medical Sciences in Iran, Shahid Sadoughi claim that cumin has the power to lower the level of bad cholesterol. They say that this is due to phytosterols that is part of cumin which absorbs cholesterol. Beside this they also revealed that it contains substances that speed up metabolism.

An interesting fact about this spice is that it is considered to be one of the oldest herbs in the world. And according to some researches it has been even found in the Pharaonic tombs.  While the Arabs use it for preparation of aphrodisiac and remedies against forgetting.

Sourced: naturalcuresandhomeremedies