How to Get Rid of Bloating And Gas Pains Naturally

If the gas doesn’t properly pass through the body by belching or flatulence, it is very likely that it would build up in the stomach and the intestines.

The gas within the made is usually made up of nitrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and sulfur. As a result we feel a bloating sensation that could mild or intense. This feeling can be really annoying and painful and we wish to discover ways to eliminate or at least reduce the gas pains.

The cause for the bad smell of the gas is mainly the lingering of bacteria in the colon tract and around the large intestine. Even though there are many causes for bloating, the main cause is the inaccurate swallowing of air or bacteria.

The symptoms of bloating can vary from sharp pains inside the stomach or a pain in other parts of the body such as the shoulders. What these pains have in common is the intense gas that can be very unpleasant. Moreover, it could even mean that you have a chronic disease. The mild form of gas build up related to bloating can be in the form or burping or of a passing gas. Some of the various reasons why we experience this could be: medications, pregnancy, the food we eat, smoking, drinks and artificial sweeteners.

How to Get Rid of Bloating And Gas Pains Naturally

Luckily, there are a lot of home remedies that can help you successfully treat this problem. Keep reading and learn about the 19 most effective home remedies that will help get rid of the bloating.

  1. Water

Water is the simplest, but still very effective methods you can use in order to relieve gas pains. Drinking only one glass of water helps you flush out the build up in you digestive system and this leads to reducing of the sensation caused by gas pains. In addition, you can even add some lemon juice and teaspoon of baking soda. By combining this ingredients you get a tasty and effective method of treating this problem.

  1. Chamomile Tea

People in Germany, known for being keen on herbal treatments and using them instead of medicinal drugs, call the chamomile “alleszutraut”. The exact translation of this is “capable of anything”. Since this herb is very healthy and beneficial, it is not surprising why Germans use this word to describe the herb itself.

The chamomile has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties which make it very relaxing. It is one of the most effective remedies for reducing bloating because it eases gas pain but it also reduces heartburn.

  • A cup of boiled water
  • A bag of chamomile tea
  • Lemon juice or honey ( optional)

The chamomile tea is very easy to prepare, but it is still one of the best remedies for eliminating gas pains. All you need to do is to pour the cup of boiling water over the tea bag. Then, cover the mug and let it steep for 10-15 minutes. In order to have every bit of the herb, squeeze the bag. The plain tea has a good taste but if you want to enrich it, just add some honey or add a squeeze of lemon. Adding milk is not recommended because even though it makes the tea more tasty, delicious and delicate, it triggers gas even more.

  1. Charcoal

The activated charcoal can provide a sense of relief of gas pain almost right away. It is used for variety of medicinal purposes and it is appreciated for its ability to lessen bile flow problems, intestinal gas, food poisoning and many other internal conditions in the digestive tract. You can take it in the form of a capsule as well, but make sure you don’t take any other medicinal drugs at the same time.

  1. Exercises

Even though the natural foods can effectively solve your problems, exercises, such as yoga are another way on how to stop bloating. The secret lies in the positions in you which allow the body to get rid of the gas build up in the stomach. Moreover, it acts as a detoxifying agent. When doing yoga, you actually stretch your body, twist, bend and turn. This is really important because it naturally pushes the gas build up inside your stomach. Yet another thing you can do to alleviate gas pain is to walk a lot.

  1. Ginger

The ginger is highly beneficial and effective way on getting rid of gas pains because it kills bad bacteria that cause gas pains, promote the growth of good bacteria and normalize the movements in the digestive tract. You can find the ginger in many different forms. Importantly, even if it is powdered, turned into a tea or candied, this herbal root doesn’t lose its powerful properties.

Since ancient times, the ginger has been proven to be one of the most used medicinal herbs when it comes to bloating. It is number one choice on how to get rid of gas pains since it can treat different digestive tract ailments.

  • A cup of boiling water ( it will be used as tea)
  • Fresh ginger root
  • Lemon juice or honey ( optional)

When it comes to the ginger, there are many different ways to make homemade remedy to eliminate bloating. However, the most popular is simply consuming it as a tea. Choose a ginger root that looks fresh and then clean it. You don’t need to peel it but just scrub it as you normally do with potatoes. Then, heat a cup of water.

Slice the ginger root into several slices and put them in a mug. Pour the boiling water into the mug, cover and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Drink a cup of this tea prior every meal in order to ease the bloating. If you don’t like the taste just add some lemon juice or add a bit of honey. As mentioned in the beginning there are various ways of consuming the ginger and the taking it in the form of tea is just one way. Another way is to eat a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger before meals.

  1. Pumpkin

The gas pains are mainly caused by improper food digestion. Foods that are rich in fiber such as the beans could create some issues with flatulence. This is due to the fact that fiber is hard to digest and it passes through our intestines in bulk. When food wasn’t broken down properly in the small intestine, the natural bacteria feeds on it as it enters the large intestine.

This process results with bloating sensation. Luckily, the pumpkin is another very effective home remedy when it comes to gas pains. The benefits that pumpkin has don’t change even if the pumpkin itself is broiled, steamed or baked. It is very effective and highly recommended because it decreases the amount of gas that creates in the large intestine.

  1. Lemon Water

What makes the lemon water able to ease gas pain is its acidic nature. It stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, helps the body to digest the food easier and reduces the risk of bloating.

The recommended dosage is a cup of water with 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice. You should drink this before breakfast or later during the day, but on empty stomach. You only need to warm up a cup of water and then squeeze the lemon. Finish the whole glass at once. If lemons are not available, you can use lemon juice. However, you need to make sure that the water is cloudy enough so that you can be sure that you have the right mixture.

  1. Turmeric

This spice can effectively treat your bloating problems thanks to ‘curcumin’, a healing substance that cures the gastric inflammation. It is rich in antioxidants as well and this is important because they destroy the bacteria found in the large intestine.

  1. Cumin

The cumin is another very popular herb that reduces bloating. It promotes better digestion through the salivary glands thanks to Thymol, a substance that activates the pancreas, triggering it to release digestive enzymes that solve the bloating problem. It is very effective in whatever form you decide to use it: oil form, supplement, tea or tincture.

  1. Fennel Seeds

It is very likely to experience gas pains after a rich meal. Luckily, chewing a teaspoon of raw fennel seeds can help you avoid this problem. The secret of the fennel seeds is its high concentration of magnesium. This element is very effective in easing the pain caused by digestive problems. In addition, it can also relieve gas, stomach cramps, indigestion and other digestive tract problems.

  1. Caraway

This remedy for treating bloating is one of the oldest remedies. If you eat a handful of caraway seeds you are doing a huge favor to your body because the seeds release the gas from the large intestine and ease the pain caused by bloating. When you feel uneasy or bloated, just take a handful of caraway seeds or few crackers. If the gas pain is constant, it is recommended to consume these seeds every morning. You can consume the caraway in various forms including oil form, fresh or powdered. However, you can be sure that all the powerful properties that you need for preventing gas pain and bloating are still present.

  1. Cloves

The cloves can treat gas spasms, bloating, intestinal spasms and many other ailments thanks to its ability to act as a natural panacea. Moreover, it doesn’t make any significant difference if you use the oil, leaves or the cloves. The clove oil is believed to be the most powerful but you can also use the fresh clove leaves in order to ease your digestive system issues. This herb contains many minerals, vitamins and eugenol. This is important because it makes it able to eliminate the bad bacteria from the body and thus relieve gas pain.

  1. Angostura bitters

Angostura Bitters has been used in alcoholic drinks for a number of years. The reasons behind it are its natural properties that make it able to relieve stomach pains and improve the digestion. Moreover, it is one of the best remedies for reducing bloating. One of its benefits is its ability to eliminate flatulence, improve appetite and increase the secretion of digestive fluids. You can take a teaspoon of it before or after meals or simply use it a seasoning on various foods.

  1. Heating Pad

The heating pad is one of the best solutions that can help you relieve gas pains. Place the heating pad over your stomach and you will get an instant relief from gas pain. The heat soothes the stomach muscles and thus reduces the gas pain. It is recommended to do this procedure until the pain eventually disappears.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

You can use the apple cider vinegar for many purposes including household needs, beauty and health.  Moreover, you can use it for treating gas problems and indigestion. It is one of the most common remedies for treating bloating. Just dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and enjoy in the benefits it provides. It will provide you a quick relief in your stomach.

  1. Asafetida

This herbal spice can help you get rid of gas pains almost immediately. It is rich in calcium, protein, iron and fiber. Moreover, it contains many active ingredients including ash, resin, gum and oil. Its only flaw is the strong, unappealing odor but you can mask it by mixing it with buttermilk and water. You can also find it in the form of powder, tincture or essential oil.

  1. Yogurt

The simplest and one of the best ways to eliminate bloating is to just take a cup of yogurt. It is very effective thanks to its probiotic cultures that control the gas and gas pains in our intestinal tract. Of course, you need to consume it on daily basis. Moreover, you use both flavored and plain yogurt and there is not any significant difference. The both of them decrease the amount of gas in your stomach and aid in the digestive tract. It is very effective remedy on how to reduce bloating and it is not surprising why most health enthusiasts love yogurt.

  1. Herbal Teas

There are many natural herbs for gas pain including the peppermint, fennel, anise tea, bay leaves, rosemary, chamomile and tangerine peels. They have the ability to soothe the muscles in the digestive tract if it`s inflamed. Since the inflammation in the digestive tract could trigger gas pains and bloating, these herbal teas are highly recommended. Moreover, these herbs contain methanol, anti-spasmodic medicine that provides instant relief of bloating.

  1. Peppermint Tea

When it comes to herbal teas, the peppermint tea is one of the most effective ones for treating gas pains. It could soothe the nerve and make you feel relaxed. Thanks to the methanol it contains, it has an antispasmodic effect that can relax the muscles in the digestive tract. So, if you want to enjoy in the health benefits of this tea, drink a cup of it after dinner.

  • A cup of boiled water
  • A bag of peppermint tea

Even though making tea seems to be very easy and simple task, it still requires a proper way to do it in order to enjoy the health benefits it provides. The usual procedure goes like this: let the bag sit in the water for several minutes, remove the bag and then drink the liquid. This way of making tea doesn’t allow us to receive all the benefits the herbal tea provides.

The proper way of making tea is quite different. After boiling the water, pour it over the tea bag, cover the bag and let it steep for 15 minutes. Then, make sure you squeeze well the bag so that you get every last bit of the healing mixture. You can even use a spoon in order to squeeze the water out of the teabag better.

Sourced: healthierdaily