Food Is Medicine: 21 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Change Your Life

Apple cider vinegar (or ACV for short) is known as a superfood with incredible healing properties! 

For centuries, people have been using vinegar as a natural remedy to fight off infections, treat fevers and improve digestion. Nowadays, the acidic liquid that many enjoy on salads is used for just about anything and everything.

Along with improving health, many men and women use ACV for beauty reasons. Did you know it can be used as a natural hair conditioner? How about soothing a sunburn?

Some people even ditch chemical-laden cleaning products and use ACV to wash their windows and countertops.

So what makes ACV so powerful? Well, it’s loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes! There’s a catch, though. Not all apple cider vinegar is created equal. If you want to reap the greatest benefits, there are a few things you’ll want to look for when picking out the perfect bottle. I’ll tell you what those things are in just a minute. But first, let’s take a look at 21 healing benefits of apple cider vinegar.

The Health Benefits

Beauty and “Other” Benefits

How To Pick Out The Perfect Apple Cider Vinegar

When you’re walking down the aisles of your grocery store in search of the perfect bottle of apple cider vinegar, don’t judge a book by its cover. Rather than looking for crystal clear vinegar, you’ll want to choose one that looks murky. Organic, unfiltered, unprocessed vinegar has a cloudy look to it.

When you look through the murky vinegar, you’ll even notice a cobweb-like substance floating in it. This is actually desired. It’s called the “mother,” which means it still contains the beneficial compounds (including probiotics).