Few Facts About The Colostrum- The First Food of Mother Nature

The colostrum is also known as “milk for immunity”. It is the first food by Mother Nature and it is actually produced by mammals in the first few hours after the offspring is brought to life. It contains many vitamins and minerals and it is completely natural and safe. Nothing so perfect man has managed to produce!

Few Facts About The Colostrum- The First Food of Mother Nature

It is called “the first food from nature” due to the fact that it contains 87 growth factors and 97 immune factors. It has adaptogenic properties and it strengthens the immune system, allowing the body to stay strong in any circumstance. Additionally, it accelerates regeneration and rejuvenation.

These properties actually make it unique. Due to the substances it contains, it repairs and regenerates damaged tissues, strengthens the mucous membrane thus prevent the microorganisms penetrate, improves the immune system in general, regulates the glucose levels in the blood, encourages utilization of fat for energy, optimizes cellular reproduction and many other. If you are already suffering from any disease, the immune factors of the colostrums will help your body fight with the disease. Most importantly, this “milk for immunity” can be consumed by diabetics too and it doesn’t cause any contraindications such as allergic reactions, high blood pressure etc.

As mentioned in the very beginning, the colostrum contains many vitamins and minerals. They are important for body protection, metabolism and for a normal course of psychological functions. Apart from the vitamins and minerals, it contains many other beneficial ingredients. They are as follows:

  • Amino acids

The amino acids are important because they are the main building part of the proteins.

  • Immunoglobulin and immune factors

These two components actually help the body fight with a variety of toxins and microorganisms.

  • Growth factors

The growth factors accelerate the growth and regeneration of tissues in the body such as the tissue of the muscles, the nerves, the cartilage and the skin. Additionally, they maintain the synthesis and reconstruction of RNA and DNA, decompose the fat, balance the sugar levels as well as the levels of chemical substances in the brain.

Health Benefits of the Colostrum:
  • It is effective with skin diseases such as herpes, allergy and psoriasis.
  • It treats all injuries and wounds of the bones, nerves, muscles, skin, radiation, chemotherapy, sports surgery etc.
  • It was proven to be significantly effective in regard to autoimmune diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and arthritis.
  • It reduces the chronic exhaustion and fatigue
  • Treats inflammation and bacterial and viral infections
  • Effectively treats stomach and intestinal diseases

Sourced: healthylifehouse