Breaking News: “I had 4th STAGE prostate cancer, here’s how I defeat it!”

Breaking News “I had 4th STAGE prostate cancer, here’s how I defeat it!”

This article is about a man who was diagnosed a 4th stage prostate cancer and was told that he wouldn’t live long. However, after few weeks he managed to completely recover.

The secret lies in the amazing baking soda, completely natural ingredient which is also really cheap. A thousand of people confirmed its healing properties. One of those people is Vernon Johnston, a man who managed to defeat his prostate cancer stage 4 by using baking soda. The doctors said that there isn’t salvation for him because the cancer spread even to the bone marrow.

According to Vernon, many people worldwide are dying because of this terrible disease. The cause for its expansion is the increased toxin levels in all segments of society including the poisoned air, contaminated water, vaccines, and even food.

As a result of the many bad-quality products in the world and the level of stress to which people are exposed, there are a lot of diseases in the world causing people to die. The vicious circle of corporate capitalist system is another cause as well. Luckily, this can be changed.

When Vernon was diagnosed with cancer, he was advised to increase the pH in the body, because cancer cannot develop in an alkaline environment. Following his advice, Vernon bought a cesium chloride in order to increase his body`s pH-level. Additionally, he didn’t undergo any other treatments but used only the cesium chloride to defeat the cancer. Even though he was told that he would not live much longer, Vernon approached his problem without fear or panic. During the transport, the cesium chloride he had order got lost, and as he was pressed for time, he looked for another option that could raise his pH-level. Then, he discovered a drug that is a combination of baking soda and maple syrup.

He was determined to kill the cancer before it killed him. As he didn`t have maple syrup at home, he used the molasses instead.

Vernon was writing a diary in which the whole treatment was thoroughly explained. He wrote about the protocol that is used which was based on a diet promoting minerals, vitamin supplements, alkalinity, and a lot of sunlight. A lot of sunlight, baking soda and molasses (the replacement for maple syrup) are crucial.

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda is the safest, cheapest and probably the most effective alternative remedy for treating cancer. Using the soda can do wonders for you. You have nothing to lose, but only succeed in your battle against cancer.

Maple syrup is extremely effective. It allows baking soda to enter into the cancer cells and attack them with alkalinity, oxidize, and eventually destroy them. Molasses is a good replacement for maple syrup, maybe even better. It gives a better mineral basis as nutritional support.

Majority of the alternative cancer treatments are based on a complete abstention from sugar, as sugar feeds cancer cells.


Take two teaspoons of baking soda (for oral consumption), put in a cup, add a bit of maple syrup or molasses, and pour a little water. Repeat the procedure in another pot, but this time put it on the stove to get little warm. Finally, mix all well. Consume several times on daily basis.

According to Vernon, if you are suffering from cancer, soda is the best way to cleanse your body from acidity and getting alkaline environment. It is the best solution because it has the ability to handle with both the food that raises acidity, and the sugars.

After couple of weeks, Vernon went on a medical examination. Amazingly, it was confirmed that his prostate and bone marrow cancer was completely cured. From that moment, he tells his story and spreads the word about the baking soda.

In the video, can see how to prepare the remedy.

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Sourced: healthyfoodhouse