7 Key Foods That Lower Cholesterol And Reduce Heart Attack Risk

The cholesterol is essential for normal functioning of the body. But the increased level of cholesterol can be harmful for our health. The increased cholesterol has no symptoms but it can cause many other diseases such as strokes, heart attacks and clogging of the arteries.  The cholesterol is carried in the body by proteins and the combination of them is called lipoproteins.  Not all the cholesterol in the body is harmful it is divided in two types the “bad” (LDL), and the “good” (HDL).

After reading about all of the risks on which you are exposed if you have hyperlipidemia we hope that we made you aware that you must lower it down.

The food that you consume can strongly affect the level of LDL. The unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy diet can increase your cholesterol. Food that is especially known to increase the bad cholesterol is: red meat, milk and dairy products and the fried food.  The scientists revealed that besides this food that increases the bad cholesterol there are foods that can contribute to lowering down the bad cholesterol.

The following are some of the foods that you should consume if you have problems with increased level of cholesterol:
  1. Cocoa Products: Recent studies have reviled that eating 15mg of cacao daily reduces bad cholesterol and what is more it increases the good cholesterol. Not only that the consumption of cocoa will prevent you from hypercholesterolemia but it can also lower the high levels of bad cholesterol. The cacao will be most effective if you consume it raw and if you add it in some healthy smoothies. But if you decide to consume it in a form of chocolates, make sure that they do not contain too much sugar.
  2. Okra, Eggplant: all types of vegetables are generally known to be good for our health, thus they can also increase the good cholesterol. But studies have revealed that certain types are especially beneficial for the cholesterol. For example a study in 2014 revealed that Okra has direct potential to lower the bad cholesterol. In the research okradose-dependently decreased serum and hepatic total cholesterol and triglyceride, and enhanced fecal excretion of bile acids. Similar effect has the eggplant (aka aubergine).
  3. Fruits: With regular consumption of fruits you will have healthy cholesterol level.
  4. Barley, Oats, Whole grain: all types of foods i.e fruits and vegetables that have high amount of fiber are known to be good for the cholesterol. The nutritionists recommend that 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily will be more than enough for healthy cholesterol level.
  5. Soy: researchers claim that soy and all soy products can lower down the bad cholesterol. They say that 25 grams daily lowers the bad cholesterol by 5-6 %.
  6. Nuts: according to some studies nuts can lower the bad cholesterol by 5% to 8 %.
  7. Fatty fish: Eat salon at least 3 times a week to lower down the LDL. With this you will consume less meat products (the once that can increase the LDL) and you will consume omega-3 fats that can lower down the LDL thus protect your heart.

In the end we recommend you to consume bigger amounts of the above mentioned foods because that is the only way to reduce the LDL. You may find this diet difficult at first, but as the time passes you will get used to it. All in all it is worth trying.

Sourced: healthinfocus