5 Types Of Pain You Should Never Ignore

We are all familiar with small aches and pains that happen to us often. But you should know that there are some pains that shouldn`t be taken for granted since they could be a sign of some serious disease. The following are 5 types of pains with which you should be attentive.

1. Stomach pain that move in the lower right of the abdomen.

The cause of this pain could be appendicitis. The pain usually starts in the middle of the abdomen and moves downwards on the right side. The only way in which you can treat appendicitis is operation with which it will be removed. If you don’t do this on time it can result in a burst appendix and more serious health problems.

2. Back ache with tingling toes.

The reason for this pain is usually slipped disc, which appears due to heavy lifting. You could treat this pain by heating the affected area, but if it still doesn’t disappear consult a doctor immediately.

3. Fever accompanied by middle back pain.

Fever in combination with ether sharp or dull middle back pain is a clear sign of kidney infection. Many people have problems with this type of infection especially woman. This infection happens when bacteria in the urinary tract reaches the kidneys. Another sign of kidney infection is pain during urination. Consult your doctor as soon as you notice these signs to prevent further complications.

4. Sudden, severe head pain.

This is probably the most alarming type of pain that you can experience. Headaches usually come slowly, but there are some rare cases when they came suddenly.  This could be caused by an aneurysm or swelling in part of an artery. If you experience such sharp pain go to the doctor immediately or call 911.

5. Sleep-interrupting tooth pain.

Sometimes we can clench our jaws and grind our teeth while we are sleeping without realizing that. It can cause a pain that can wake us up from sleep. Grinding your teeth can inflame the nerves in your teeth and slowly destroy them. This is a condition sometimes caused by stress but can be treated easily with a night guard.

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