4 Silent Signs You May Have Clogged Arteries and the Best Foods to Eat To Prevent It

The human body functions in such a way that it has built-in warning signs against various diseases. Some of the signs are quite imperceptible. We offer you a list of four of them which indicate that you need to visit the doctor.  If you pay attention to these signs and take the advice from a medical health professional you can even save your live. Clogged arteries are directly related to the heart (cardiovascular) disease.

4 Silent Signs You May Have Clogged Arteries and the Best Foods to Eat To Prevent It


  1. Earlobe Crease

A diagonal earlobe crease, usually abbreviated to DEC is not very reliable or definite sign of this issue.  There are people who are just born with it. However, studies show that if we take into account other indicators such as weight, gender and age it is likely to increase the risk of clogged heart vessels, or coronary artery calcification ( medical term).

  1. Leg Pain and Numbness

If you feel pain or numbness in the calves while you walk, that can mean that you have clogged     arteries. If you feel relieved from pain and numbness when you put your feet up to rest it can also mean that you have intermittent claudication, another term for this condition.

  1. Erectile Dysfunction

According to many studies, erectile dysfunction in men can be associated with impending     cardiovascular disease.  If you have troubles with getting up when you normally could, you need to find the true cause of it, instead of taking a pill or blame it on the mood.  The clogged arteries could be that underlying cause.

  1. Hair Loss

Usually, the hair loss is associated with aging. However, it can also mean that the levels of triglycerides in the blood stream are high. Bad fat or high triglycerides in the blood stream can cause baldness in both men and women, due to the impeding proper circulation caused by the two components mentioned above.


  1. Vegetables and Fruits

It is proven that all organic produced vegetables and fruits have beneficial effects on the human body. Fruits and vegetables which are brightly colored contain many vitamins and antioxidants, components that the cells use in order to protect the body itself. B Vitamins which are contained in the bell peppers, asparagus or the bok chay, the vitamin C (found in tomatoes and carrots) and all other vitamins and minerals actually contain nutrients that the body can use immediately.

Eight or more servings of vegetables and fruits on daily basis can lower the risk of suffering a brain or heart attack by 30%. Taking more than five servings a day can lower the risk for coronary disease by 17%. If you find it hard to replace your diet with a healthier one, you can start by replacing one meal a day with fruits and vegetables.  Increase the servings per week gradually, until you get 8-12 servings a day. According to many studies, variety is as just as important as quantity, so it is important to change the recipes from time to time.

  1. Avoid Soda

Almost every sugar-sweetened beverage is linked with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity and    elevated cholesterol levels.  This conditions lead to hardening, clogging and arterial inflammation.  If you manage to change your daily diet and say goodbye to soda and artificially-flavored beverages you will definitely see a positive change.

If you find it hard to take away sugar-sweetened beverages out of your diet right away, you can make a gradual decrease.  Replace one sugary drink for a 100% fruit juice or a glass of water weekly until you eliminate them daily.  If it is sweet but not natural, it has to be eliminated.

  1. Omega 3 Rich Fish

The omega-3 fat is the healthiest fat for the heart. It is found in fatty fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, herring and anchovies.  Omega-3 improves the cardiovascular health and helps eliminate arterial blocks. According to The American Heart Association, 2 servings of cups of these flaked fish a week is a must.

  1. Herbs and Spices

Most of the spices in the kitchen rack, such as allspice, Italian seasoning, cinnamon, nutmeg, basil and granulated garlic may be beneficial for the arteries and the cardiovascular system in general. According to a study conducted by researchers in Pennsylvania State University, the bad cholesterol in the blood will decrease by almost 30%, by simple adding of 6 g of cinnamon to the daily diet. You can add the cinnamon in your coffee, apple slices, tea or any other fine dessert.

More researches on the benefits and what the spices do to the eliminated fat are still going on, but however, adding more spice to your meat or vegetables would not hurt.

  1. Tea

According to many researchers, flavonols and anthocyanins which are found in black, purple and oolong teas protect the heart and the blood vessels. Tea can prevent hardening and plaque buildup in the arteries and can lower the blood pressure too.  Consider replacing the unhealthy soda or your late afternoon coffee with a healthy beverage such as tea instead. It is recommended to take three cups a day.

  1. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as lettuce, cabbage, parsley, radishes and collard greens may directly affect arteries by clearing plaque formations and relaxing the blood vessels. According to a research, the nitrate in a bowl of these leafy green can make your blood pressure drop for the rest of the day. You can consume the leafy greens on various ways; you can make shakes, smoothies or vegetable wraps with them and add them to anything such as soups and sandwiches.

It is well known fact that prevention is always better than the cure.  If you manage to partially change your diet and do these modifications, you can avoid clogged arteries and heart disease in general.

Sourced: herbs-info