15 Incredible Facts Hydrogen Peroxide Should Be In Every Home

15 Incredible Facts Hydrogen Peroxide Should Be In Every Home 1

Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen.Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation! Hydrogen peroxide is considered the worlds safest and most effective sanitizer. When Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material it breaks down into oxygen and water.It kills microorganisms by oxidizing them, which can be best described as a controlled burning process.

15 Remarkable Facts Hydrogen Peroxide Should Be In Every Home :

1. Health
Our body is subjected to infections. For defense our body makes Hydrogen peroxide to fight infection which must be present for our immune system to function correctly.White blood cells are known as Leukocytes. Also there is a sub-class of Leukocytes called Neutrophils which produce hydrogen peroxide as the first line of defense against toxins, parasites, bacteria, viruses and yeast.

2. Water Purifier
How to purify water, add a pint of hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of the water you use in humidifiers and steamers, and the HP will help ensure that the water stays sanitary and safe.

3. Sinus Infections
Nowadays many people suffer from sinus infections. To 1 cup of non-chlorinated water a tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen peroxide, thiscan be used as a nasal spray. Depending on the degree of sinus involvement, one will have to adjust the amount of peroxide used.

4. Immune System Booster
Most people don’t know that our bodies actually produces hydrogen peroxide via certain leukocytes, aka, white blood cells. In this instance, the role of hydrogen peroxide is to help fight off, bacteria, viruses and toxins.

5. Toothpaste
If you need and effective toothpaste mix it with that other medicine cabinet staple, baking soda, and you got it, which is handy for those times when you go to the store and accidentally leave toothpaste off the shopping list.

6. Deodorant
Got stinky pits that leave stains on your clothes? Apply a mixture of dishwashing solution and hydrogen peroxide to the stain in a 1:2 ration,let it sit for an hour or so. Then rinse with cold water to eliminate the stain.

7. Tooth Ache
The following is from my own personal experience: My dentist wanted to give me a root canal some time ago as one tooth was inflamed and, in her opinion, would die. I felt some discomfort but told her that I would give it chance to heal. I rinsed with hydrogen peroxide (several times a day) as well ascoconut oil (once a day). The discomfort went away and I have had no further problems with the tooth.Hydrogen peroxide is not a pain killer; however, as an anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent, it is effective at treating the pathogen that is causing the infection.

8. Antiseptic mouth rinse
Many people don’t realize that hydrogen peroxide makes a very effective and inexpensive mouthwash. Use 3% H202 – add a dash of liquid chlorophyll for flavoring if desired.A cap full of hydrogen peroxide is a perfect mouth rinse. It whitens teeth and kills germs responsible for bad breath.

9. Foot Fungus
Use this effective way to cure a foot fungus, simply spray a 50/50 mixture of Hydrogen peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.
Remove organic stains
Hydrogen peroxide is an effective for removing stains. 3% Hydrogen peroxide is the best stain lifter if it is used fairly soon, blood stains as old as two days, have been successfully lifted with Hydrogen Peroxide. Although it will bleach or discolor many fabrics. If a little peroxide is poured onto the stain it will bubble up in the area of the blood, due to a reaction with catalase. After a few minutes the excess liquid can be wiped up with a cloth or paper towel and the stain will be gone.

10. Detox Bath
How to detox your body? To rejuvenate, add 2 quarts of peroxide to your bath water. Soak for at least a ½ hour.

11. Clean the toilet bowl
Hydrogen peroxide can be used for cleaning the toilet bowl. Pour half a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet bowl, let stand for 20 minutes, then scrub clean.

12. Help out your plants
Use 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide added to one gallon of water for your plants.To ward off fungus, add a little hydrogen peroxide to your spray bottle the next time you’re spritzing plants.

13. Common Cold
Actually, hydrogen peroxide may not cure colds, but some claim that applying a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ears in the morning is an excellent way to fight one off.

14. Eye Care
Hydrogen peroxide may find use also in taking care of your eyes, actually it can be used to clean contact lenses – its very effective for eliminating the proteins that can build up on the lenses over time.

15. Remove ear wax
How hydrogen peroxide will help you to remove the wax in your ears? First, put a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide into your ears. Wait for a minute or two, then put a couple of drops of olive oil. Wait for a minute, then drain the fluid from your ears. This will help you remove ear wax.


Sourced: naturalnews