14 Green Juice Recipes That Will Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat

Green Juice Recipes

These juices are lighter than a smoothie and they contain different ingredients. Each recipe is different, so you can try all of them until you find your favorite.

1. Green Juice for Beginners
If you are not sure whether a green juice is a good choice for you, start here. The ingredients include pineapple, apples, ginger, dino kale, and some parsley. It is easy to make, has a sweet taste and you will surely benefit from it. You can add in more ingredients as you get used to the idea of a daily green juice.

2. Lean & Mean Green Juice
This juice contains kale, cucumber, celery, and grapes. It should be juiced and not blended, because a juicer will separate the juice from the pulp for all of the ingredients, and will give you a more concentrated liquid.

3. Apple Fennel Green Juice
This green juice uses apple, fennel, kale, cucumber, and celery. When making a green juice for the first time do it according to the recipe, and then make additions and substitutions based on what you like and what you don’t like.

4. Tasty Green Juice
There’s an entire lemon in this green juice, so it will have the taste of that citrusy tartness, which is balanced out by the sweetness from three apples. There’s plenty of kale added so you’ll get vitamins and minerals in the form of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, as well as magnesium and potassium. If you don’t have a proper juicer you can blend these items up and then strain the juice through cheesecloth.

5. Primavera Green Juice
This green juice is made from and brought to you by Primavera Kitchen. Olivia has taken a pretty standard approach to green juice, combining ingredients found in many green juice recipes, such as cucumber and celery. There are also green apples, kale and romaine. Romaine is less nutritious than kale, but still provides more nutrients than iceberg lettuce, specifically Vitamin A.

6. Popeye Potion
This juice contains two handfuls of spinach. You’ll get less fiber by separating the juice from the pulp, but you might be more inclined to use a juicer than a blender. This is a vegan juice, as are most green juice recipes.

7. Pineapple Green Juice
This juice has a dominating pineapple flavor. It also contains broccoli, kale, a Granny Smith apple, a cup of spinach and a handful of fresh mint for a cool, crisp flavor. You can drink this to recover from a stressful day at work, or during the middle of a stressful day to help you cope and stay in control.

8. Green Goddess Juice
This juice is great for losing the belly fat since it contains broccoli. If this doesn’t sound appealing to you, it also has pineapple and mint. You’ll love the taste and you won’t even remember that there’s broccoli in it by the time you’re done drinking it.

9. Clean and Green Detox Juice
Green juice goes nicely with any detoxifying efforts. Always make sure to use organic produce, which will help you avoid GMOs, pesticides, and herbicides found in conventional food. This is a mix of apples, kale, celery, cucumbers, and basil. The basil boosts the flavor, and contains antioxidants to make the juice healthier.

10. Green Spinach Lemonade
The concoction of lemon and spinach makes this juice something special. Don’t worry if you don’t like the taste of spinach because you will mostly taste the lemons. Apples are also added to sweeten up the taste.

11. Green Juice II
This green juice contains red grapefruit which makes it a little sour, but there’s also pineapple which will give it a sweet taste. The juice gets the green color from parsley, celery, and spinach.

12. Sweet Freedom’s Green Juice
This juice has carrots, spinach, kale, cucumber, kiwi, and green apples. The green apples will give the juice a bit of tartness, which plays well with the other flavors. This juice has some ginger which will help cleanse the body while adding a robust flavor to the total experience.

13. Feel Better Green Juice
This green juice boosts the immune system. There’s a separate recipe that provides the same nutrition but without the green color, which is great for kids that that don’t like to drink a green drink.

14. Stay Healthy Green Juice
When you start feeling better you can drink this juice as a way to stay health. It has kale that provides you with fiber to help kill belly fat, and ginger that aids in digestion. Lemon provides Vitamin C, while spinach brings Vitamin E. Since many people are deficient in these vitamins, it’s great that this juice supplies them in a convenient format.


Sourced: bembu