13 Effective Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Candida or yeast infection is very common type of infection. It is caused by a group of microscopic yeast or fungi known as Candida albicans. It mainly occurs around the genital area but sometimes it can develop beneath the skin folds, under the nail beds, under the breasts, on the lower abdomen and around dentures.

The most common yeast infection is the “vaginitis”. It usually appears due to poor hygiene and it is a very painful condition. It is often characterized by pain, burning sensation, yeast infection, extreme, uncomfortable itching and vaginal discharge.

As mentioned above the usual cause of this problem is the poor hygiene which eventually leads to certain forms of fungus to grow in the damp, warm environment such as the vaginal area. Even though mainly women are affected by this issue, men can be diagnosed with this condition as well.

Various factors contribute to increased risk of yeast infection, including pregnancy, antibiotics, use of steroids, oral contraceptives, chronic health conditions and diabetes.

13 Effective Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Women in menopausal stage are very sensitive of getting this infection. This is due to the estrogen levels which are significantly declined during menopause and this result in thinning of the vaginal walls.  It is a fact that both women and men experience yeast infection at least once in their lives. Luckily, there are many home remedies that can efficiently treat the yeast infection.

Keep reading and you will learn which are one of the most common home remedies for yeast infection. They provide comfort and relief for the sensation, burning and itching caused by this condition. They are completely safe and almost anyone can try.

  1. Relax

Everyone has a certain amount of Candida present in their body. Luckily, healthy life and maintaining a healthy environment in your body can prevent the fungus of taking over. Stress is a common risk factor which increases the growth of fungus. This is due to the compromise of the immune system. That is why it is essential to have some time to recuperate and relax. Try meditation, yoga or massage.

  1. Organic Garlic

The organic garlic is another very effective home remedy for yeast infection. You can eat several cloves a day and the results will be more than positive. Even though your breath will smell garlicky this is a great way to eliminate your yeast infection. The garlic has both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

  1. Coconut Oil

The coconut oil is one of the most effective remedies for yeast infection. This is due to its antifungal properties that kill the fungi responsible for this condition. You can use the coconut oil in various ways and the following are few of them:

  • You can use it for oral thrush. Swish in the mouth for 5-12 minutes. You can even add few drops of tea tree oil and cinnamon oil. Do this three times a day but make sure you don’t swallow the oil.
  • In order to achieve optimum results apply the coconut oil on the affected area.
  • The combination of cinnamon and coconut oil is very effective way of controlling the fungal infection.
  1. Organic Oregano Oil

It is recommended to use 9 drops of this oil, three times a day after meal. This oil is considered to be very effective remedy for yeast infection and it also reduces the chances of getting one.

  1. Probiotics

As mentioned in the very beginning the use of antibiotics leads to a high risk of getting a candida. The antibiotic tetracycline is one of the main causes of fungal growth in the body. However, it could be prevented by the use of probiotic supplements. The probiotics and other food that fight and maintain the body`s natural gut flora are highly recommended because they can stop the formation of candida.

  1. Organic Plain Yogurt

The organic plain yogurt is another home remedy you use. Insert 1-2 tablespoons of it into your vagina and apply it on the most affected area. Leave it for several hours and then rinse. It is really important to avoid fruits, sugar or any other similar ingredients in the yogurt. It must be organic plain yogurt.

  1. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Another home remedy that can provide relief for the pain caused by yeast infection is the usage of apple cider vinegar as douche. It is very simple procedure- just mix quart of water with 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and pour it in a douche apparitus. You can also add 2 ounces of colloidal silver in the mixture in order to achieve optimum results.

  1. Loose Clothing

You may find this silly but it actually really makes sense. Since the fungus love moist and warm environment the loose clothing that allows oxygen to keep on moving can prevent the infection.

  1. Stay Away From Harsh Feminine Products

In case you didn’t know, the soaps could interfere with the natural protective oils produced by your body. This is harsh for your feminine area because the oils actually prevent fungus growth. The usage of perfumed products, feminine hygiene douches and sprays can reduce the protective barrier.

In addition, the toxic chemicals and the alcohol found in these products make the genital area more vulnerable due to their ability to alter the pH balance.

  1. Calendula

This herb is very effective way of fighting yeast infection. What make it so effective are its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties.

  • You can use calendula tea in order to treat the infection. Pregnant women shouldn’t consume this tea because it can be detrimental to the baby.
  • Another way of using the calendula is to crush several calendula leaves and apply them on the affected area. Do this three times a day.

You can use calendula lotion if fresh calendula is not available.

  1. Organic Cranberries

The organic cranberries are very beneficial for your health. They can relieve both bladder and yeast infections. In order to naturally boost your pH balance and eliminate yeast infection drink organic cranberry juice regularly.

  1. Olive Leaf Extract

The olive leaf extract is one of those home remedies that can do wonders for your yeast infection. It has the ability to restore the good bacteria in your body and it has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and antifungal properties.

You can use your own olive oil extract very simply. Chop some fresh olive leaves and put them in a glass with lid. Then, add some vodka until the leaves are completely covered. Then close the lid and store the homemade olive oil extract in dark place for one month. After 4 weeks strain the liquid and transfer it to another container. Apply on the affected are three times a day.

  1. Organic Tea Tree Oil

You can achieve positive results by placing few drops of this oil on a tampon and inserting it in your vagina. Leave it like for about 4 hours but make sure to take it out before bedtime because it can be harmful for you if you sleep with tampon inserted. The secret of this oil is its potent fungal cleaning property.

Sourced: healthierdaily